Former CDSC student and Foundation Community Coach Josh Bucknall has won the Foundation’s PL Kicks award during the Premier League Charitable Fund 10 year anniversary celebrations following his fantastic work in the community.
Josh began his journey with PL Kicks as a participant, regularly attending sessions at Edlington before going on to study at Club Doncaster Sports College.
Upon graduating from the College, Josh joined the Foundation as an apprentice coach, where he supported the Kicks sessions that he once attended.
Now a full-time coach, Josh leads our Kicks community sessions across the region.
“My journey started at Kicks then went to Club Doncaster Sports College, after that, I gained an apprenticeship, and I am now a full time Community Coach”, explained Josh.
“Club Doncaster Foundation has supposed me in many ways to help me have a career in sport. I love what I do for a living.”
Mark Cooper, Sport Development Officer at the Foundation, added: “I’ve seen Josh go from a Kicks participant to a full time community coach.
“It really is a great example of the work that the projects do in the community, and how it can go full circle.
“He’s a key member of the team and he works hard to make sure that each session is engaging and enjoyable.”
This week, the Premier League Charitable Fund is celebrating 10 years of making a difference and helping communities thrive.