Legacy Club is a unique opportunity to link grassroots clubs with the Sports College and offer players an insight into the vast array of options in the Sports Industry, heightening their engagement in football and their studies.
Legacy Club is completely free, there is no cost to any club or individual and clubs receive one free training session at the Eco Power Stadium with Sports College Academy Coaches, including individual goalkeeper training. Alongside this, the Sports College invites the Legacy clubs to a Doncaster Rovers fixture as a guest and offers an opportunity to visit the College facility, to discover the further education courses and Academy system which are based down at the Eco-Power Stadium.
Club Doncaster Ladies U16
Denaby United U15
Sandall Beat JFC U16
Scawthorpe Scorpions Red U15
Warmsworth Lions Blue U15
Applications for academic year 23/24 at the Sports College are now OPEN.To apply or find out more details about Club Doncaster Sports College, visit www.clubdoncastersportscollege.co.uk or call 01302 764663.